The ethics curriculum of every participating region is managed by a curator. If you’re an ethics teacher that would like to contribute to this platform, please get in touch with the curator of your region.
Floris Velema

Floris Velema is a teaching methodologist for philosophy at ICLON, Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching. He chairs the board of the Dutch Philosophy Olympiad and is a board member of the Association Internationale des Professeurs de Philosophie (AIPPh). He is also the founding editor of If you have any questions or remarks about this platform, please contact Floris at the address below.
Miha Andrič

Miha Andrič is a philosopher, sociologist and international communication trainer. Currently he is the director of Educational Centre Argument and advisory board member at IPPF (International Public Policy Forum NYC). In the past he has served as board member at IDEA (International Debate Education Association), head of the international debate programme Bežigrad, head of the national debate organization of Slovenia and head of programme at several international debate academies. As a guest lecturer he is training students, teachers and professionals in more than 30 countries around the world. In 2020 and 2021 he was convenor of the International Philosophy Olympiad.
Barbora Baďurová

Barbora Baďurová has been working at the Department of Ethical and Civic Education at Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica since 2012, currently at the position of lecturer and deputy head of department. Her publications and research activities are focused on environmental ethics and ethical education. She had a chance to undertake several study, research or lecture stays abroad, especially in Finland, Poland, Portugal, Ireland and Austria. She is or was involved in several research projects of the department oriented on ethics: KEGA (deputy of project leader), VEGA, APVV, Visegrad fund (project leader), and Erasmus+. Her teaching focuses especially on ethics, practical ethics, history of ethical theories, and environmental ethics.
Torbjørn Gundersen

Torbjørn Gundersen is postdoctoral fellow at Centre for the Study of Professions, Oslo Metropolitan University and at the Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo. Gundersen is interested in the ethics of applied artificial intelligence and is engaged in a research project at Oslo Metropolitan University about machine learning, professional accountability, and human values. As a part of the PERITIA project he examines trust in science advice mechanisms. Gundersen has a PhD from Oslo Metropolitan University with a monograph about the proper role of scientific expertise in public policymaking, focusing on the case of climate science.
Ricardo Gutiérrez

Ricardo Gutiérrez is Assistant Professor and researcher in philosophy at the History and Philosophy Department (Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Madrid). He holds a PhD (2014) by U.N.E.D. (Spain) and is Doktor der Philosophie by the Technische Universität zu Berlin (2014) as well. Pre-doctoral fellow in the National Spanish Research Council (C.S.I.C. – Instituto de Filosofía) and a Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher at TU Berlin (2010-2013), Ricardo Gutiérrez has focused his research mainly in exemplar narratives and the critique of values encrypted in public discourse and in history. Amongst his most recent publications can be counted his Deuda y legado en la filosofía de la Historia de Schiller (Herder, 2018), and a multidisciplinary volume on Empathy published by BRILL (2020).
Zoran Kojčić

Zoran Kojčić holds MA degrees in philosophy and Croatian philology from the University of Osijek, Croatia and received his PhD degree in Philosophy from Sofia University, Bulgaria. He is an author, a certified philosophical counsellor and a board member of the association Petit Philosophy. Zoran works as a coordinator on several philosophical projects and as a school teacher. He regularly participates in international conferences and publishes papers on the philosophy of education and philosophical practice.
Ivan Kolev

Ivan Kolev is an associate professor, head of department of philosophy at Sofia University, Bulgaria, and a member of the Steering Committee of the Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophie (FISP). He is the initiator of the Philosophy Olympiad in Bulgaria (1989) and one of the founders of the International Philosophy Olympiad (1993). Ivan Kolev has published many books on philosophy and ethics. Among them are: Ethics and Law (2001), Anthology of Ethics (2002), and Philosophy (2018). His main interest is the topic of moral feelings and values.
Rolf Roew

Rolf Roew teaches ethics, philosophy, physical education, and english at Gymnasium Weilheim. After heading the ethics department at the ISB (State Institute for School Quality and Educational Research) in Munich he has been working for the Bavarian Ministry of Education as their senior advisor for ethics at Bavarian gymnasiums since 2006. In this capacity he trains teachers, gives lectures and serves as head or member of committees and project groups. He has co-authored an introduction into the teaching of ethics (Einführung in die Fachdidaktik des Ethikunterrichts) and has published a number of articles regarding the teaching of ethics and philosophy. His current focus is on competence- and action-oriented methods of teaching, in particular on the basis of recent social-psychological research.
Stelios Virvidakis

Stelios Virvidakis studied philosophy at the University of Athens, at the University of Paris I and at Princeton University. He has taught at various universities in Greece and abroad and is currently Professor of Philosophy at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. His publications include books in metaethics, textbooks for the teaching of philosophy in Greek high schools and many articles mainly in the areas of ethics, epistemology, metaphilosophy and the history of philosophy. He is a member of the Steering Committee of the Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophie (FISP), representing the Greek Philosophical Society. In 2006, he was awarded the title of Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques by the French Government.
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